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Brother Patrick McElhaney is Knight of the Month

St. Peter’s Knights of Columbus is recognizing brother Patrick McElhaney as Knight of the Month. Patrick, along with assistance from Brothers Jim, Trevor and Dan, created a video to highlight our faith, fellowship and community outreach. In just a few minutes, it captures much of what we stand for and support as Knights of Columbus.

Patrick along with his wife Roxanne have been part of the St. Peter’s community for 12 years when they relocated from Kentucky to Jupiter, Florida. Patrick and Roxanne have been blessed with three wonderful children who are all excelling in various medical careers outside of Florida. They also have a very lovable small dog named Molly, who has been part of their family since shortly after their move.

Patrick has been a member of the Knights of Columbus for more than 15 years. When he is not working, you can often find him playing guitar, listening to music or enjoying the outdoors.

We would like to thank Patrick for his support over the years and the video which can be seen on our website.


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