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Knights of Columbus
Council 13139, St Peter Catholic Church, Jupiter

Knight of the Month - Hunter Puglise
This month the Knights of Columbus Council 13139 is proud to recognize Hunter Puglise as Knight of the Month. Hunter has been a Knight...

Seminarians update for 2024!
This past fraternal year the Council supported two seminarians, Jude Okeke and Serge Dube. At 11:00 A.M. on Saturday, April 13, the...

Food for Families in action
Our team is there every week to assist Food for Families in meeting the needs of our community. Walter Sterling is seen here unloading...

Ministry Appreciation Reception
Sign up to assist with the St Peter Parish Ministry Reception, serving refreshments from 5PM. We will need assistance with setup,...

We are Working Spring Training Games Again this Year!
Sign-up to help HERE We are working a concession booth at some Spring Training Games at Roger Dean Stadium again this year. The games...

"Purpose Driven Retirement" Strategies seminar
Join us for an informative online presentation by award-winning author, financial thought leader, and brother Knight Joe Jordan. Joe will...

Join in the "Our Lady of Guadalupe" Procession
Worthy Brothers, We have been invited to participate in the Our Lady of Guadalupe procession on Saturday September 24 as part of the...

Celebrating a Great Fraternal Year!
We had a great Fraternal year, and last night, (3/17) we got together to celebrate. Knights and Wives attended. The Buffett had a...
End of the 21-22 Fraternal Year Social!
We have had a very successful fraternal year. To celebrate, we are going to have a social instead of our usual Business Meeting. Wives...

March Fellowship Breakfast Pictures
Our outdoor Continental Breakfast format continues to be very popular with parishioners. We serve donuts and bagels along with coffee...
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