Knight of Columbus Council 13139
Officers Meeting
July 09, 2019
Note: Minutes of our meetings are supplied to all members of the council for review and comment. The minutes will not be read at the next meeting unless requested by a member. Pls direct all corrections and additions to Jim Hildebrand jrpah@comcast.net
Roll Call - All Officers were present except for the 1st Year Trustee who was absent, and the Chaplain who was excused. The Outside Guard position is open.
Chaplain Report:
Grand Knight Report:
We received a “Thank You” note from Layne, the Parish Youth Minister, for our recent contribution to the Youth Group.
We received correspondence asking us to contribute $100 to help buy new ceremonial sashes for the second degree team. Other Councils are asked to pick up the remainder of the $350 cost. We donated $100. (See motions.)
We received correspondence form a group called Peter’s Fight looking for donations to help buy a service dog for a youth that suffers from seizures . We donated $100. (see motions).
“Big Bad BBQ” to support Special Olympics will be held in Ft Lauderdale on 9/7. The BBQ is 5-9 PM. They are looking for volunteers to help set-up. Contact the GK for more info if interested.
Council Business
Installation of Officers is next Tuesday at 7 PM in place of our regular Business Meeting. Brother Davisson will procure flowers. Brother Manz will arrange the food, and send out invitations. We will eat first, conduct the ceremony, then have dessert.
The Insurance coverage issue for events in which we sell Alcohol has not been resolved. We have conflicting e-mails indicating we are and aren’t covered. We also have a quote if we need supplementary insurance for the next Friday Night Dance. Issue is being worked, and we have a little time to wait for a resolution prior to the dance.
Brother Tom Nestor passed away on June 2. He was a reinstated Knight who came into the Council last November. Concurrence was that we should buy a Meditation Garden brick for Tom.
Mike Cesarano has volunteered for the position of Inside Guard.
Hannahs House will give a short 15 minute presentation at the September Business Meeting. We are also looking into having “Miracle House” present at a meeting.
We will have a meeting with Fr Don on Thursday July 11th at 2 PM to discuss our various initiatives. The GK, DGK, Financial Secretary and PGKs Placko and McReynolds are invited.
We are willing to conduct a 1st Degree on 8/6. Brother Manz will check with the Office to see if the Hall is available.
Treasurers Report:
$ 16,387
The 2018/19 Audit has been completed and has been reviewed by the Deputy Grand Knight and the Financial Secretary.
Financial Secretary Report:
revenues - $1955
expenses - $4288
Trustees -
Director Reports:
DGK/Program Director Brother Manz presented a list of activities and initiatives that he would like to have the Council consider for this fraternal year.
(* committees are “Faith in Action” activities)
Friday Night Dance Party - Next Dance is 7/26.
Seminarian Support -
Buffet Breakfast - We will take a summer break and not have a Breakfast in July or August.
“Family of the Month” - The Lippiello Family
“Knight of the Month” - John Placko
Good of the Order-
Membership/Retention -
There is a 4th (Patriotic) degree on August 24h at St Augustine.
Standing Committees
Fund Raising -
4th Degree Report -
District Deputy Report -
Old Business -
New Business -
Brother Lou moved, and Brother Hildebrand seconded a motion to contribute $100 towards the purchase of new sashes for the 2nd Degree Team. Passed.
Brother Hildebrand moved, and Brother Manz seconded a motion to contribute $100 to “Peters Fight” to help buy a service dog. Passed. (motion was originally made for $200, but was changed to $100 before the motion was seconded)
Jim Hildebrand