This Brother has only been a member of the Knights of Columbus for six years. But, in that time, John Placko has left his mark on the Knights of Columbus, both at the Council and Assembly levels. Immediately after he joined the Council, he began volunteering for Council events, including the monthly breakfast and took a keen interest in Council happenings.
John has been the Council “bartender”; always helping to arrange, set up, and serve beverages at parish and Council events. He is also a key volunteer in the Town of Jupiter events and Roger Dean Stadium concession; some of which are the Council’s largest fundraisers.
In 2016 and 2017, he served as the Deputy Grand Knight behind Grand Knight Michael McReynolds. About that same time, John began serving as the Faithful Scribe for the John Paul II Assembly 3299, and in 2018 became the Assembly’s Faithful Pilot. In 2018, he began his two-year term as the Grand Knight. During that time, the Council flourished. The relationship with the parish office was never better.
John is a shining example of how a Knight in our Honored Order can grow in the Council. For his significant contributions to our Council, the Officers and Directors of Council 13139 would like to recognize John Placko as July’s Knight of the Month!
Congratulations, John!