Knights of Columbus Council 13139
Officers Meeting
July 06, 2021
Note: Minutes of our Officers Meetings are supplied to all Officers for review and comment. They are then posted on the Council Website. The minutes will not be read at the next Officers meeting unless requested by an Officer. Please direct all corrections and additions to Jim Hildebrand jrpah@comcast.net
Recorders Note: This was a “stay at home’ meeting conducted over ZOOM.
Pre - Meeting.
Officers Roll Call
All Officers were present except for the Inside & Outside Guards. The Deputy Grand Knight, and Chancellor positions are open.
Chaplain Report -
The meeting was opened and closed with a prayer.
Guests and Dignitaries
Grand Knight Report:
No significant correspondence.
The GK thanked Brother Jose Salichs for volunteering to do some painting at Hannah’s House in response to their recent request.
We are working to structure Council Activities around the Knights four pillars of Faith, Family, Community and Life. Brother Davisson will distribute our last Columbian Award application which lists the two activities in each group that we completed in the year prior to the pandemic.
The GK is continuing to work on the Wheel Chair project. One possibility is to have a Wheelchair Sunday in which a representative from the American Wheel Chair Foundation would come and speak at Masses. We need to present various ideas to Father Don to get his approval. Perhaps we can a short video of the program to show Father Don. Our goal is to raise $42K to buy a “crate” of Wheelchairs. Brother Colon is assisting in this effort.
The GK has set a goal of recruiting 20 new members this Fraternal year. It is felt that having good Council activities will help attract members.
Financial Secretary Report:
revenues ~ $870
expenses ~ $340
In Treasury ~$12,674
Trustees -
Deputy Grand Knight and Director Reports:
(* committees are “Faith in Action” activities) .
Buffet Breakfast -
“Family of the Month” - The “Deacons of the Parish” is the Family of the Month. Asking Deacon Scienzo if he could put something about the award in the Parish magazine was discussed.
“Knight of the Month” -
Food for Families-
Tootsie Roll Drive -
JTAA Christmas Parade -
Free Throw Competition-
Good of the Order:
Standing Committees
Fund Raising -
Roger Dean Stadium -.
4th Degree Report -
District Deputy Report/ Regional Rep - .
Field Agent Report -
Old Business -
New Business -
Brother Davisson moved, and Brother Ceaserano seconded a motion that we donate $200 to help the Parents of Andy Alvarez stay in Miami whole Andy is undergoing an extended medical procedure. Passed. Individual Knights that would like to donate can contact Brother Davisson.
Jim Hildebrand