Knights of Columbus Council 13139
Business (General) Meeting
Feb 15, 2022
Note: Minutes of our Business Meetings are posted on the Council website for all members of the council for review and comment. The minutes will not be read at the next regular meeting unless requested by a member. Please direct all corrections and additions to Jim Hildebrand
Pre - Meeting.
Officers Roll Call
All Officers were present except for the Outside Guard, Chancellor, 2nd and 3rd Year Trustees.
Chaplain Report -
The meeting was opened and closed with a prayer.
Guests and Dignitaries
The Field Agent Jonathan Knaus were present
Grand Knight Report:
The GK:
thanked the Brothers for a Great Weekend. Jupiter Jubilee, Fellowship Continental Breakfast, and Family of the Month presentation to the Hispanic Ministry all were very successful. Brother Perez was thanked for the job he did in presenting the Family of the Month award at the Spanish Mass.
announced that Brother Ehmer accepted the position of council chancellor, Brother Keith McKeown has accepted the position of LIFE director
Brother Joe McGivney’s article will be in the upcoming Columbian magazine.
Those that want to work work the Spring Training concession Stands need to send a selfie to Brother McReynolds.
State Convention delegates will be the GK and DGK, alternates are Brother’s Colon and McReynolds.
Upcoming events
Officers Planning Meeting Report
No motions were passed at the Officers Meeting.
Financial Secretary Report:
revenues ~ $3162
expenses ~ $1938
In Treasury ~ $11,310
Trustees -
The audit is done.
Deputy Grand Knight and Director Reports:
Faith: (Philip Colon)
We have 4 credits towards STAR council.
Rosary Initiative - We need more people to sign-up to recite the Rosary before the 8 AM Sunday Mass. Sign-up can be found on the website.
RSVP Program
We still plan to support the RSVP program. Father Wesler will see if the is a back-up candidate if Deacon Serge doesn’t enter the seminary .
Family (Joe McGivney)
“Family of the Month” - the Parish Office has sent letters to the 5 longest term partitioner families. We are waiting back to see if any would like to participate as FofM.
“Knight of the Month” - Dan Perez for his efforts with the Hispanic Community
Food for Families - we are considering donations $500 to the ministry under the Supreme rebate program.
Community (Paul Davison)
we currently have 2 credits from the 500 Miles for Kids Wheelchairs program.
No Brother Left Behind - We have started the program. We are currently checking with fellow Knights to understand where they are emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Fellowship Breakfast—
JTAA Christmas Parade -
Throw Competition- All Saints is not participating in the Free Throw Competition this year due to Covid 19.
Life (Kieth McKeown).
Special Olympics
We need 10-15 people to help serve lunch at the Special Olympics event at Dwyer High School on 3/5. Registration would be around 8 AM. We should be done serving by 2 PM.
Good of the Order:
To date, we have 5 new member for the fraternal year
Standing Committees
Fund Raising -
Roger Dean Stadium -
Jupiter Jubilee -
4th Degree Report -
District Deputy Report .
Field Agent Report-
Starting in May, the book “7 steps to be Financial Free” will be available. 25 are available for $100.
New Business - .
Brother Davisson moved, and Brother McElhaney seconded the motion that the GK and DGK be delegates to the state convention, Brothers Colin McGivney and McReynolds are alternates. Passed
Jim Hildebrand