Sadly, Mike Gallagher, a long time member of our Council, has passed away. Mike was born in 1934, and joined the Knights as a member of our Council in 2002. He was one of our earliest members.
Services for Mike are:
- Viewings at Taylor Modeen Funeral Home on Thursday 1/13 from 1-3 PM and 5-7 PM. Knights are encouraged to be there a little before 6 PM to attend the service.
- A Funeral Mass on Friday 1/14 at 10AM.
The Grand Knight issued the following message after the funeral.
Worthy Brothers,
I would like to extend my appreciation for all who participated in Brother Mike's wake and funeral services.
First to Brother and Deacon Steven Scienzo for performing the services at the funeral home and readings at the funeral mass. It was obvious that they were close friends and difficult for Stephen.
Second to Brother Paul Davisson, Financial Secretary who very eloquently presented the Resolution of Condolence to the family. Truly a touching moment as I observed the family receive the award.
Third to Brother Tony Giglio who participated in the funeral mass representing the KoC in his 4th Degree Color Corps Regalia.
And finally, the KoC pall bearers, dressed in traditional Baldrics, that included Paul Davisson, Larry Mondorff, Ryan Bielski, Mark Elmer, and our Treasurer, Michael McReynolds.
The Gallagher family was very touched by how we came out and supported them.
Rest in Peace Brother Mike.
God Bless,
Ken Kotansky, GK St Peter
The Gallagher family sent the council the following note in appreciation for our support.
