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Help Out at the Fellowship Breakfast and Coats for Kids Drive!

We have a busy Weekend (8/5&6) planned for the first week in November, and we need your help!

First - we have our first Fellowship Continental Breakfast of the Fraternal Year! We will be serving bagels, donuts, and homemade goodies along with drinks after the three Sunday morning Masses. We will serve outside as we did earlier in the year. We need people to help set-up, man the tables, and clean-up.

Second - we will conduct a monetary collect for the "Coats for Kids" program at all the Parish doors after all of the weekend Masses. Coats for Kids is a program that supreme organizes that supplies warm winter coats to needy children. This is our first year collecting for the program so we want to give it our best effort.

Sign-up sheets for both programs are below. We need your help in both efforts.


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