Knights of Columbus Council 13139
Business (General) Meeting
Nov 16, 2021
Note: Minutes of our Business Meetings are posted on the Council website for all members of the council for review and comment. The minutes will not be read at the next regular meeting unless requested by a member. Please direct all corrections and additions to Jim Hildebrand jrpah@comcast.net
Pre - Meeting.
Officers Roll Call
All Officers were present except for the advocate. The Deputy Grand Knight and Chancellor positions are open.
Chaplain Report -
The meeting was opened and closed with a prayer.
Father W emphasized that we need to pray for each other. We need to reach out to see if members are in need.
Guests and Dignitaries
The District Deputy Richard Gallant and Field Agent Jonathan Knaus were present
Grand Knight Report:
Jeff’s 500 Miles for Kid’s Wheelchairs
Jeff’s walk shows that young Knights can make things happen. Donations are now over $25k.
The GK would like to recognize our hispanic parishioners for their great support of the wheelchair effort.
The wheelchairs purchased by this fund raiser will most likely go to Mexico. The GK would like to be present went the presentation is made.
We need to finish filling our critical positions. In particular we need someone to chair LIFE. We won’t be able to be a “Star Council’ without the positions filled.
Brother Hildebrand is working on a website ownership issue that was created by the untimely Death of Brother Mikosz.
Upcoming events
Officers Planning Meeting Report
No motions were passed at the Officers Meeting.
Financial Secretary Report:
revenues ~ $320
expenses ~ $0
In Treasury ~ $10,915
Trustees -
Deputy Grand Knight and Director Reports:
Faith: (Philip Colon/Mark Ehmer)
Rosary Initiative - We restarted the initiative 11/14 after the 8 PM Sunday Mass. We need more volunteers for the effort (we have some non-members who are willing to take part). There is a sign-up sheet on the website.
There is a parish Men’s retreat at Our Lady of Florida in February. Javier Casanova is the contact for more info.
Family (Joe McGivney)
We are working to clear a backlog of Family and Knight of the Year Awards.
“Family of the Month” - Pablo and Nancy Torres
“Knight of the Month” - Walter Sterling - Sept, Jeff Kotansky - Oct.
Community (Paul Davison)
Fellowship Breakfast—
The December Breakfast will be more of a continental style with bagels and donuts; coffee and juice served outside. This is being done to address the concern of Covid spread indoors as the virus has become more prevalent lately and we get a lot of visitors from up North.. (see motions). Brothers Trevor McDonald, Ryan Bielski, and John Claudio are heading up the effort.
JTAA Christmas Parade - The JTAA will have a Christmas parade this year, 12/12. We will be able to pass out candy. More info is available on the council website.
Throw Competition- A request to conduct the event at aAll Saints has been submitted to the school.
Life (open).
Good of the Order:
BrotherKeith McKeown is transferring to us from California
Brother Bruce Dunn is transferring to us from Floral Park, NY
Colin McGivney is our newest member. He was welcomed at the meeting; and presented a rosary.
Standing Committees
Fund Raising -
Roger Dean Stadium -.
Jupiter Jubilee -
4th Degree Report -
District Deputy Report -
There is a Fourth Degree in Orlando on 11/27.
Special olympics will be in Florida in 2022. They will need Knights to volunteer to help out. The DD is taking part in a “Polar Plunge” to raise money for the Olympics. He is asking each of his councils to support him with a $500 donation. (see motions)
Field Agent Report-
Webinar “Who want to be a Millionaire” is 11/18. We receive credit for Fraternal Benefits if one member attends.
New Business - .
Brother Cesarano moved and Brother Wood seconded a motion to donate $450 to the Special Olympics Polar Plunge to in support of the DD’s pledge. Passed
Brother Cesarano moved and Brother Lippiello seconded a motion the the December Fellowship Breakfast serve Donuts, bagels, etc outside. There would be no charge for the breakfast. . Passed
Jim Hildebrand