The patriarch of this family was born in Guatemala City, Guatemala and immigrated to the United States when he was six and grew up in Maryland, where he attended Bladensburg High School. He studied computer science at Yorktowne Business Institute, graduated as a computer programmer and has remained in that field for over 30 years.
He married his beautiful wife Rosa and moved to Tequesta when their youngest son was only six months old. Four years later, they moved to Jupiter and in 2003 began attending St. Peter Catholic Church, where he and Rosa realized the need to bring the English and Spanish speaking parish communities together as one people worshipping the same Jesus Christ. So, they got more involved with the Spanish ministry.
He has served as Lector, Eucharistic Minister, Sacristan, member of the Spanish Grupo Base, and taught Pre-Baptism classes. He coordinated the scheduling of the church’s 5:30 pm daily mass servers, prior to the pandemic, and has served in other ministries.
The Guadalupan Sister of the Holy Spirit and Fr. Don were instrumental in his being led to his eventual calling as Ordained Permanent Deacon. After spending 2 years of discernment and prayer, he entered St. Vincent DePaul Regional Seminary for Theological Studies and graduated with a Master of Arts in Theological Studies in April 2019.
Because of the pandemic, he and Rosa have been more involved with the liturgies. While he serves as deacon at daily and weekend Masses, Rosa assists as a Lector. They have three amazing children: Ashley 30, Edward, 26, and Edwin Jr., 23. Their main goal is to live what they preach and try to be an example of a true disciple of Christ to others in hope of leading souls to Christ.
For their contributions to the community and the parish, and serving as shining example of Columbian principles in this time of need, the Council recognizes Edwin and Rosa Velasquez as its Family of the Month for June.
Their award will be presented at a future Family Fellowship Breakfast once the pandemic restrictions are lifted.