Nov 12, 2019
Note: Minutes of our meetings are supplied to all members of the council for review and comment. The minutes will not be read at the next meeting unless requested by a member. Pls direct all corrections and additions to Jim Hildebrand jrpah@comcast.net
Roll Call - All Offcers were present except for the Advocate, Warden, Outride Guard, 1st year Trustee, and 3rd Year Trustee who was absent, and the Chaplain, and Financial Secretary, who were excused.
Chaplain Report: The meeting was opened and closed with a prayer.
Grand Knight Report:
Council Business
The “Delta Membership Drive” has been moved up to the weekend of 11/30, 12/01.
Officers agreed that prospective candidates would be offered a free Fellowship Breakfast. (The breakfast is on the same weekend).
A “Ministry Moment” video will be recorded for Masses on the Drive weekend. We plan to also record a video for the Spanish Mass (Their first).
Brother Manz is looking for volunteers to deliver the Drive’s message from the pulpit.
We need Brothers to volunteer for various assignments during the drive.
We will have an “Open House” a week after the drive. Brother Bill Sodan will do the presentation. (Note: this can qualify as one of two activities to satisfy “insurance Requirement” for Star Council).
Brother Karl Sodan will check to see if we can get “Brother McGivney” cards in Spanish.
Treasurer's Report:
$ 15,686
Financial Secretary Report:
revenues - $802
expenses - $1186
Trustees -
Director Reports:
Rosay events have not been well attended by Knights. Brother Manz would like suggestions on how we could improve attendance.
(* committees are “Faith in Action” activities)
Baby Bottle Drive - The “Baby Bottle” collection in support of Miracle House is underway. All bottles were passed out last Sunday. Over $300 was collected during the distribution. Brothers that passed out the bottles are asked to help collect the bottles before and after their Masses for the next two weeks.
Tootsie Roll Drive -
JTAA Christmas Parade - Candy has been purchased for the parade. Chairman Brother Hildebrand recommends that we purchase 12 green 2 gallon buckets to use in passing out candy. (see motions)
Altar Server Scholarship Program - Sacramental Gifts Program - Messages are authored, and we have card stock. Brother Manz will run text of First Communion cards by Becky for age appropriateness.
Our Lady of Guadalupe - 12/12. Council members are invited to attend. We will parade in jackets/tie and baldrics.
Buffet Breakfast - The next Breakfast will be 12/1. Bagel Boyz has indicted they will donate Bagels if we notify them in advance. We plan to show some recruitment videos during the Breakfast.
“Knight of the Month” - Dr Jorge Garcia
“Family of the Month” - Possibly the Family the family that did the Wreath for Veterans Day
Christmas Party - 12/17 Joint with Tequesta as in the past. In St the Jude Parish Hall. A sign-up sheet to help out will be circulated at the Business Meeting.
The Parish is looking for help in assembling the “Singing Christmas Tree”. Assembly will be done during four shifts.
Free Throw competition -
Good of the Order-
Membership/Retention -
We are planning a Delta Membership Drive for the last weekend in Nov.
Standing Committees
Fund Raising -
4th Degree Report -
District Deputy Report -
Old Business -
New Business -
Brother Lou Manz moved and Brother Hildebrand seconded a motion to procure 12 buckets to use for candy distribution at the Christmas Parade. Passed
Jim Hildebrand