Knight of Columbus Council 13139
Business (General) Meeting
April 23, 2019
Note: Minutes of our Business Meetings are supplied to all members of the council for review and comment. The minutes will not be read at the next regular meeting unless requested by a member. Please direct all corrections and additions to Jim Hildebrand jrpah@comcast.net
Officers Roll Call
All Officers were present except for the Chaplain and Chancellor who were excused, and the Advocate and 2nd Year Trustee who were absent. The Deputy Grand Knight position is open.
Chaplain Report -
Guests and Dignitaries
The District Deputy and Field Agent were present.
Guests -
Bill and Marie Egan received the “Family of the Month” award for April.
Officers Meeting Report:
Expenditures acted upon at the Officers Meeting were reported and included:
A motion was passed to cover two nights lodging of our District Deputy at the State convention.
A motion was passed to contribute $250 to the “Mercy Bag” project to help cover a shortfall reported by the project organizers.
Officers agreed to contribute the $100 rebate from supreme for supporting a seminarian to the seminarian.
Grand Knight Report:
Tootsie Roll drive at Walmart and Jupiter Farms Publix is this weekend. There are still time slots that need volunteers.
Father Don’s 25 Year Ordination Anniversary Party is May 18. We have been asked to supply beer and wine. Tickets are $50 per person. The Color Corp will participate in the Mass before the party.
We are still looking at options for a sports outing. Brother McReynolds will check on the available 0f facilities and associated cost for a Roger Dean outing.
We have our annual meeting with Father Don on Monday April 29th. Intent of the meeting is to see how we can further serve the Parish.
We hear that Father Jean will have an 15Year Anniversary Ordination Party in June. The event may be used as a fund raiser for his school in Léogane Haiti.
We have two Breakfasts remaining before our summer break during July and August.
Treasurers Report:
~$20,850 in the Treasury
Financial Secretary Report:
revenues - $7639
expenses - $2111
Trustees - no report
Deputy Grand Knight and Director Reports:
(* committees are “Faith in Action” activities) .
Altar Server Recognition - No servers have applied for our scholarships to date.
Seminarian Support - We plan to donate the $100 rebate from Supreme for our Seminarian support to our Seminarian. We also plan to donate the 50/50 proceeds from our May breakfast to the seminarian, and to “pass the hat” at our May Business meeting.
Before Mass Rosary -
Buffet Breakfast - Next Breakfast is April 7th. We will take a break during July and August.
“Family of the Month” -
Bill and Marie Egan
“Knight of the Month” -
Paul Gurdak
Council Picnic - We are considering a sports outing in place of the picnic.
Third Degree -
Tootsie Roll Drive - The drive is this weekend at Walmart and the Jupiter Farm’s Publix.
Good of the Order:
Membership/Retention Report - Lou Manz
Standing Committees
Fund Raising -
Roger Dean Stadium -.
Coastal Fest -
4th Degree Report -
The next “Honor Flight” is May 11th. Brother Mike McReynolds will be one of the Chaperones.
Proceeds from the St Patricks Dinner/Dance will be presented to honor Flights on April 30th as part of a “pot luck” dinner. All are invited, RSVP Lou Manz.
District Deputy Report -
Supreme is testing a new recruiting program in our area, We plan to discuss it with Father Don at our annual meeting.
Field Agent Report -
There are strategies available to help with tax planning.
Old Business -
New Business -
Motions -
Motion - Paul Gurdak moved and and Brother Manz seconded a motion to donate $1000 to the Youth group for upcoming trips. Since the motion exceeds $500, it will be voted on at the next meeting.