This Brother is a Third Degree Knight and has been a member of the order for eighteen years. Over the past several months, his help has been invaluable. He and his wife, Kathleen, serve as "Altar Angels;" laundering the church's purificators after their use. He has been a regular at Council meetings and helped at our recent Family Bar-B-Que. He helps at one of the Council’s more important fundraising efforts, the concession stand at Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium during Cardinal and Marlin games.
Although, not yet a Fourth Degree Knight, he assisted with the set-up of the St. Jude Parish Hall in preparation for the John Paul II Assembly’s St. Patrick’s Dinner & Dance.
He has been a dedicated member of the St. Peter choir for over ten years.
For his contributions and dedication, we recognize Jim Cambier as March’s Knight of the Month!
Congratulations, Jim!