Knight of Columbus Council 13139
Officers Meeting.
Feb 12, 2019
Note: Minutes of our meetings are supplied to all members of the council for review and comment. The minutes will not be read at the next meeting unless requested by a member. Pls direct all corrections and additions to Jim Hildebrand jrpah@comcast.net
Roll Call -All Officers were present except for the Chancellor, Financial Secretary, Warden, and 3rd Year Trustee who were excused, and the Deputy Grand Knight, Advocate, Inside Guard, and 2nd Year Trustee who were absent.
Chaplain Report:
The Chaplin opened the meeting with a prayer
Grand Knight Report:
The Family BBQ was very successful with 160 to 175 people attending. We netted approximately $2300 on $3250 gross. Areas to be addressed next year are:
Possibly using two serving lines to reduce wait time
More pulled pork
more 50/50 tickets (we ran out)
State Convention -
Karl Sodan and Michael McReynolds have expressed interest in being delegates from our Council. Delegate names need to be submitted by the March business meeting.
Treasurers Report:
~$ 15,450 in Treasury
Financial Secretary Report:
revenues - $8441
expenses - $4534
Trustees - no report
Director Reports:
(* committees are “Faith in Action” activities)
Friday Night Dance Party - We will tend bar at the Friday Night Dance Party on 2/15. Money raised is donated to ELS for Autism.
Altar Server Recognition -
Before Mass Rosary -
RSVP Vocation Program -
Buffet Breakfast -
The next breakfast is March 3rd.
“Family of the Month” - The Norma and Mark (St. Vincent de Paul Society Head)
“Knight of the Month” - Otto Fuentes
Council Picnic -
Website -
Family Week -
Free Through Competition - State Finals are coming up. We have 4 possible candidates from All Saints School. In the past we have supplied gas credit cards for the parents of candidates and the coach. (see motions)
Good of the Order-
Membership/Retention - Lou Manz
The Council will soon be asked to create a video with Fr Don to promote the Knights. Brother Manz suggestions we carefully plan the message to emphasis that being a Knight does not require a large commitment of time. We have had several interested candidates who apparently back out at the last minute over concerns about commitment.
Standing Committees
Fund Raising -
Family BBQ -
Tootsie Roll Drive - WE have 6 boxes of Tootsie Rolls. We need a Chairman for the activity. Late April looks like the best opportunity to conduct the drive due to other commitments before then. We will have to work around Easter.
Roger Dean Stadium - We have shirts and game dates have been established. There is a minor conflict with the Friday Night Dance on March 15th.
4th Degree Report -
District Deputy Report -
Old Business -
New Business -
There is a fund raiser to obtain a hyperbaric chamber for Hunter Puglise on March 7th. The Officers will recommend to the council that we donate $300 to this cause.
The DD has suggested that the Council buy a $125 ad in the convention program. We are only budgeted for $100 so we will present the proposal to the council.
The Officers will recommend the Council that we purchase two tables ($600) for the 4th degree St Patricks Day Dinner/Dance
Hannahs House is looking for volunteers to do a little painting at their facility in Tequesta. Possible work dates are Feb. 18,19, 22 and 23rd. Probably from 10AM to 2 PM. Opportunity will be presented to the Council.
Brother Hildebrand moved, and Brother Manz seconded a motion to Coach Kelly and the parents of the Free Throw finalists with $30 gas cards to attend the State finals.