Note: The Minutes of our last meeting Business Meeting are supplied to all members of the council for review and comment. The minutes will not be read at the next regular meeting unless requested by a member. Please direct all corrections and additions to Jim Hildebrand jrpah@comcast.net.
Knight of Columbus Council 13139
Officers Meeting
Notice: The Officers meeting will convene at 6:30 starting in November.
Nov 13, 2018
All Officers were present except for the Deputy Grand Knight, and Warden who were excused, and the Advocate, and the 2nd and 3rd Year Trustees who were absent.
Chaplain Report - The chaplain opened and closed the meeting with a prayer.
Grand Knight Report:
Special Olympics is looking for a donation. Recommended levels of support are: Bronze for $100, Silver for $200, and Gold for $300. Brother Manz proposed that we recommended to the council that we participate at the Silver level.
The GK will ask John Drake if he will play Santa Claus at our December Family Fellowship Breakfast.
The combined Council and Assembly Christmas Party will be Tuesday night 12/11.
Sold Raffle Ticket booklet need to be returned to the Grand Knight by next Wed to be eligible for the sellers early drawing. One batch of tickets have been sent into state already.
The DGK is moving out of the area in April. Anyone interested in the position should contact the Grand Knight.
Treasurers Report:
~$ 13931 in Treasury
Financial Secretary Report:
revenues - $1236
expenses - $1333
Trustees - no report
Director Reports:
(* committees are “Faith in Action” activities)
The Young at Hearts Ministry is looking for some kitchen help in preparing a breakfast on 12/5 starting at 8 AM. If interested contact Brother Manz.
JTAA Christmas Parade - Parade is Dec 9th at 12:30. Candy has been purchased. Larger size T-shirts are on order.
Habitat for Humanity- Brother Manz will check with Habitat to see if there are volunteer opportunities for the council.
Altar Server Recognition - A pizza Party for the servers is planned for 12/8 from 11:30 til 1:00 PM. Deacon Dave and Ediza are sending out RSVPs to the servers. We are looking for a count of expected participants by Decembers Breakfast.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration - We have been asked to help serve food at the event. The Color Guard will participate in the Celebration. We plan to participate with the 4th Degree in handing out lapel pins.
“Family of the Month” - The Sodan Family
“Knight of the Month” - Brother Paul Hebert
Council Picnic - Brother Manz proposed dates in March that are good candidates for our Council Picnic. The dates will be presented at the next meeting with the intent of picking a date to pursue. The sites can’t be reserved until 90 days before the event.
Website - The website is up and running. Members are encouraged to start using it.
Family Week - If possible, Brother Manz will reserve the Chapel for Feb. 7th for Family Week activities.
Good of the Order:
Membership/Retention - Lou Manz
We have a new (readmission) member - Tom Nester.
23 members are still delinquent in their dues. This is in addition to the 8 members that are targeted for suspension.
Standing Committees
Fund Raising
4th Degree Report
District Deputy Report -
The DD is attending a regional meeting on 12/7 & 8. Let him know of any item you feel should be addressed that the meeting.
Old Business -
New Business -
We will poll the council to see if there is a desire to change the Business Meeting start time from 7:30 to 7.
Fr W. will check to see if there is a Seminarian that we could support financially.
1) Brother Manz moved and Brother Davisson 2nd a motion to buy up to 100 lapel pins to distribute at the ‘Our Lady of Guadalupe’ celebration. PASSED
2) Brother Hildebrand moved and Brother Manz seconded a motion to upgrade our website to include unlimited event posting. Cost is $32 per year. Passed.
3)Brother Davisson moved and Brother Hildebrand 2nd a motion to contribute $100 the “Young Adult Retreat” held at the seminary. Passed