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We Helped Make the Parish Picnic a Great Success!

The Parish Picnic was a great Success. We had beautiful weather, plenty of food, and good attendance by parishioners. Of course, our support in preparing and serving the food was instrumental to the picnics success.

Our Grand Knight issued the following message to thank all who helped out at this event.

Worthy Brothers,

I just wanted to acknowledge all the effort that was put forth by you all to make our parish picnic a success on such a beautiful day.

Our parish pays for the food, but it really takes the manpower to make it a success. The KoC grill served us well with burger and hot dog grilling. Along with that we had coleslaw and sweet corn, lemonade/apple juice and thanks to Ryan for the ice cream.

So special thanks goes to the Brothers (and Sisters) answering the call

Frank Baldino

Ryan Bielski

Mike and Sue Cesarano

Steve Fiebiger

Thomas Gassman

Terry Hood

Jorge and Sebastian (Knight in Training) Garcia

Jim Hildebrand

Joe Kotansky (Knight in Training)

Joe McGivney

Ray Russell

Walter Sterling

John Travanti

Thanks again for all your support.

God Bless,

Ken Kotansky, St Peter GK


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