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The Hispanic Ministry is Family of the Month

The Living Nativity Scene at the Parish Christmas Concert

The Hispanic Ministry of Saint Peter Church is the bond that unites the Hispanic community with the parish. It is led by Ediza Vega, Director of the Ministry.

The Hispanic community is very large and active. It has about 20 groups between Liturgical ministries, apostolic groups, spiritual movements, retreats, and 2 evangelization schools. The community worked together to provide St Peter’s parish with a living nativity that was on display for the outdoor Christmas concert. The St Peter’s Knights of Columbus was so impressed by its beauty and wonder, that it has recognized the Hispanic Ministry with their Family of the Month recognition.

The Hispanic Ministry runs under the direction and authority of the Pastor Don Finney. Along with Fr Don, the ministry looks to guidance and spiritual support from Fr. Jean Boulin, Fr. Wesler Hilaire, and Deacon Edwin Velasquez.

The Ministry is part of the cultural diversity of Saint Peter Catholic Church. "Here we feel welcomed and blessed to have a special place to worship God in our language and express our faith with our cultural accent".

Brother Dan Perez (Far left in the first picture below) made the presentation to the Hispanic Ministry during the 12:30 PM Spanish Mass. The pictures below were taken at that time and reflect the energy of our Hispanic Parishioners.


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