Knights of Columbus Council 13139
Planning Meeting
Sept 14, 2021
Note: Minutes of our Officers Meetings are supplied to all Officers for review and comment. They are then posted on the Council Website. The minutes will not be read at the next Officers meeting unless requested by an Officer. Please direct all corrections and additions to Jim Hildebrand jrpah@comcast.net
Recorders Note: This was a “stay at home’ meeting conducted over ZOOM.
Pre - Meeting.
Officers Roll Call
All Officers were present except for the Chaplain, Advocate, Financial Secretary, and 3rd Year Trustee. The Deputy Grand Knight, and Chancellor positions are open.
Chaplain Report -
The meeting was opened and closed with a prayer.
Guests and Dignitaries
Grand Knight Report:
No significant correspondence.
John Puglise funeral:
We plan to host a reception after the funeral with 200 Subway sandwiches
John Placko is getting the beverages (water, colas)
The reception will be in the Hall. We will set up tables Friday afternoon and complete prep. 9 AM Sat.
We got a short article on the Knights in last month’s parish magazine
500 mile update
Wheelchair Sunday is the weekend of 9/25 & 26
4-5 volunteers are needed to collect donations and hand out try-folds after each mass.
Michael has a credit card reader for charge card donations.
Financial Secretary Report:
revenues - $596
expenses - $340
In Treasury -$13,092
Trustees -
KofC Pillars .
Buffet Breakfast - November targeted for restart. We have lost a number a key persons in the breakfast and need to consider how we will run the breakfast going forward
Tootsie Roll Drive - No status on state’s payout to charities,
“Family of the Month” -
“Knight of the Month” - Walter Sterling is selected as the Knight of the Month.
JTAA Christmas Parade -
500 Miles for Kids -
Free Throw Competition-
Good of the Order:
We have 15 members in danger of suspension for being delinquent in paying dues two or more years.
Standing Committees
Fund Raising -
Roger Dean Stadium -.
4th Degree Report -
District Deputy Report/ Regional Rep - .
Field Agent Report -
Old Business -
New Business -
Jim Hildebrand