Knights of Columbus Council 13139
Planning Meeting
October 11, 2022
Note: Minutes of our Planning Meetings are posted on the Council website for all members of the council for review and comment. The minutes will not be read at the next business meeting unless requested by a member. Please direct all corrections and additions to Jim Hildebrand
This was a Zoom meeting.
Pre - Meeting.
Officers Roll Call
All Officers were present except for the Chaplain, Advocate,Warden, Inside Guard, and 1st and 3rd Year Trustees.
Chaplain Report -
The meeting was opened and closed with a prayer.
Guests and Dignitaries
Grand Knight Report:
The GK thanked those Knights that supported the Parish Hispanic Heritage Festival.
Our first Fellowship Breakfast for the fraternal year will be Sunday Nov 6th. We will incorporate our “Coats for Kids” drive into the breakfast.
Brothers are needed to help out at the Parish Picnic Saturday 10/22. A sign-up sheet is on the council website. We need people to serve, cook and clean-up.
Our 10/18 Business Meeting will be in person in the Parish Hall.
There is a retirement webinar sponsored by Supreme on 10/28. Information is on the council website
Financial Secretary Report:
revenues ~ $1080
expenses ~ $1218
In Treasury ~ $12,969
Trustees -
Deputy Grand Knight and Director Reports:
Faith: (Philip Colon)
Rosary Initiative -.
RSVP Program -Mailed checks to both Deacon Serge and Seminarian Jude Okeke. We received a nice thank you letter from Deacon Serge. The GK would like to promote our support of the seminarians in the parish bulletin.
Faith Kiosk - We put the Spanish KIOSK out during the Hispanic Heritage Festival
Mass for Decease Knights -
Parish Retreat -
Family (Joe McGivney)
“Family of the Month” - We have not been able to reach the Holmstroms. He would appreciate other candidate suggestions.
“Knight of the Month” -
Food for Families -
Community (Dan Perez).
Coats for Kids -
Fellowship Breakfast— First Buffett Breakfast of the season will be after morning Masses Sunday November 6th.
JTAA Christmas Parade -
Throw Competition-
Parish Picnic -The picnic is scheduled for Oct. 22nd from noon until 3 PM.
Life (Kieth McKeown).
Special Olympics -
Good of the Order:
Fund Raising -
Roger Dean Stadium - The GK has scheduled the council for 6 games. Dates will be announced.
Jupiter Jubilee -
4th Degree Report -
District Deputy Report .
Field Agent
Standing Committees
Funt Report-
New Business -
Jim Hildebrand