Knights of Columbus Council 13139
Officers Planning Meeting
April 12, 2022
Note: Minutes of our Planning Meetings are supplied to all Officers for review and comment. They are then posted on the Council Website. The minutes will not be read at the next Planning meeting unless requested by an Officer. Please direct all corrections and additions to Jim Hildebrand
This meeting was conducted by ZOOM.
Recorders Note:
Officers Roll Call
All Officers were present except the Chaplain, Deputy Grand Knight, Advocate, Warden, and 2nd Year Trustee.
Chaplain Report -
Guests and Dignitaries
DD Richard Gallant attended
Grand Knight Report:
No significant correspondence.
We made about $4000 working the Spring Training Concession Stands. The GK would like to see the Council invest in Parish Ministries that support out Foundational Pillars.
Brother Joe McGivney is visiting Father McGivney’s home Parish New Haven Connecticut.
Our recruitment video is now on the council website.
Financial Secretary Report:
revenues - $2732
expenses - ~$1660
In Treasury -$12,580
Trustees -
DGK Report (Joe McGivney)
KofC Pillars .
Faith: (Philip Colon):
Brother Davisson has ordered books to replenish the Kiosk. Ten Spanish copies of the prayer book were included.
Brother Colon has connect with seminarian Jude Okeke and will be sending him the RSVP check in the coming week.
Rosary Initiative -
Life: (Keith McKeown):
Tootsie Roll Drive - Will revisit in the late spring
Family: (Joe McGivney)
.Food for Families - We are considering a $500 donation to FFF under the Supreme rebate Program($100 rebate).
“Family of the Month” -We need three more families to reach our target of 9 for the fraternal year. Suggestions are welcome
“Knight of the Month” -
Community* (Paul Davisson)
Brother Davisson is a temporary Director, a permanent Director is needed for Community
“No Brother Left Behind” - We are trying to wrap up this activity by early May.
Special Olympics -
Fellowship Breakfast -
Free Throw Competition-
Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration -
Good of the Order:
We need three additional new members to meet STAR Council requirements.
Standing Committees
Fund Raising -
Roger Dean Stadium -.See GK report.
Jupiter Jubilee -
4th Degree Report -
District Deputy Report - .
The council need to conduct to Fraternal Benefits events and gain 3 more new members to make STAR Council
Brother Joe McGivney will be a Keynote Speaker at he State Convention
The Council complies with Supreme’s “Safe Environment” requirements.
Field Agent Report -
Old Business -
New Business
The GK suggested that $500 in Breakfast tips be donated to the Ukrainian Relief fund. We had indicated that was where collected tip money would go.
The GK suggested we have a Fraternal Benefits event before the May Business Meeting. May also fire up the parish grill.
Jim Hildebrand