Knights of Columbus Council 13139
Officers Meeting
March 9, 2021
Note: Minutes of our Officers Meetings are supplied to all Officers for review and comment. They are then posted on the Council Website. The minutes will not be read at the next Officers meeting unless requested by an Officer. Please direct all corrections and additions to Jim Hildebrand
Recorders Note: This was a “stay at home’ meeting conducted over ZOOM. The meeting minutes were taken by Jim Hildebrand. Those in attendance were Brothers: Father Wesler, Michael McReynolds, Paul Davisson, Terry Hood, Antonio Lippiello, Patrick McElhaney, Philip Colon, Mike Cesarano, Ken Kotansky, and Trevor Mc Donald.
Pre - Meeting.
Officers Roll Call
All Officers were present except for the, Chancellor and Recorder. The Deputy Grand Knight and 1st Year Trustee positions are open.
Chaplain Report -
The meeting was opened and closed with a prayer.
Guests and Dignitaries
Grand Knight Report:
No significant correspondence.
The GK would like to do more to recognize the outstanding contributions of Brother Knights
PGK Mark Mikosz
All agreed we should entertain PGK Mikosz as this years “Knight of the year”.
Brother Hildebrand will add a tribute to Mark on the council web site.
A small ceremony after Brother Mikosz’s Meditation Garden is installed was considered.
Knight/Family of the year
We reviewed that in the past we presented Knight and Family of the Month awards. The Family of the Month can be a non Knight family. As the pandemic subsides and the council becomes more active we hope to start making the presentations again.
The GK suggested we look into ways to foster more fellowship in the Council.
A Breakfast Meeting for members was discussed and was well received. The GK will check into possible venues for the meeting.
Possible sports activity such as a free throw competition, or golf activity was discussed. There was some concern about conflict/duplication with what the JTAA currently does.
A Buddy system for new Knights was discussed and well received. It was suggested that some ground rule of what is expected of the buddy be established
The upcoming Vigil for Life was Discussed. This is a “40 Days for Life” program during Lent. It was a suggested that we attend the 2 hour prayer vigil across from the Abortion Clinic on the Saturday after our next Business meeting. One option would be to carpool and have lunch at Duffy’s afterwards. This activity would qualify as one of our “Life” activities for the year.
The Altar Servers recognition program was reviewed. It is felt that the Scholarship portion of the program is no longer viable, however, we may possibly want to consider continuing the Altar Servers pizza party.
Tootsie Roll Drive options were reviewed. In the past we have collected outside of Church and at Walmart and the Farms Publix. St Jude has a “Club” approach where donations of $100 are solicit from an established donor base.
Financial Secretary Report:
revenues ~$20
expenses ~$365
In Treasury ~$12,080
Trustees - No report
Deputy Grand Knight and Director Reports:
(* committees are “Faith in Action” activities) .
Buffet Breakfast -
“Family of the Month” -
“Knight of the Month” -
Food for Families-
Tootsie Roll Drive -
JTAA Christmas Parade -
Free Throw Competition-
Good of the Order:
Standing Committees
Fund Raising -
Roger Dean Stadium -.
4th Degree Report -
District Deputy Report/ Regional Rep - .
Field Agent Report -
Old Business -
New Business -
Brother Kotansky will check on possible venues for a council breakfast meeting.
Brother Hildebrand will work on a tribute to Brother Mikosz on the website.