Knights of Columbus Council 13139
Planning Meeting
February 13, 2022
Note: Minutes of our Planning Meetings are posted on the Council website for all members of the council for review and comment. The minutes will not be read at the next business meeting unless requested by a member. Please direct all corrections and additions to Jim Hildebrand jrpah@comcast.net
This was a ZOOM Meeting
Pre - Meeting.
Officers Roll Call
All Officers were present except for the Deputy Grand Knight, Advocate, Chancellor, Inside & Outside Guards.
Chaplain Report -
The meeting was opened and closed with a prayer.
Guests and Dignitaries
The District Deputy attended.
Grand Knight Report:
We did well at Jupiter Jubilee, especially considering the poor weather.
The GK has found about 8 “new” Brothers that might help out with Spring Training Games.
There is a conflict between a Spring Training Game and the 4th Degree St Patrick Day party set-up.
Brother Dennis Delois will be heading up our Special Olympics efforts. There are games at Dwyer High School March 4. We need volunteers to help prepare and serve lunch.
The GK would like to have an end of the Fraternal Year gathering like we had last year.
revenues ~ $2335
expenses ~ $1752
In Treasury ~ $13,624
Trustees -
Deputy Grand Knight and Director Reports:
Fath (Philip cColon)
Rosary Initiative -.
RSVP Program -
Faith Kiosk
Family (Trevor McDonald)
“Family of the Month” -
“Knight of the Month” -
Food for Families - We have pledged $500 in material to the FFF ministry. We need to find out what they are in need of.
Community (Dan Perez).
We are considering Supreme’s Sconce Challenge or the Catholic Citizens essay contest in this area.
Coats for Kids -
Fellowship Breakfast—
JTAA Christmas Parade -
Throw Competition-
Soccer Competition- The GK will check with All Saints School to see if we could use their field.
Parish Picnic -
Life (Kieth McKeown).
Special Olympics -
Hanna’s House -
Novena for Life -We completed January’s Novena for Life.
Good of the Order:
To date we have had one new member, and one transfer. We have 6 men showing interest after our recruiting drive. 2 with strong interest, 2 with medium interest, and 2 mild interest.
Fund Raising -
Roger Dean Stadium - We have signed-up for 7 games. We now understand that only one person with Alcohol training needs to be present in the concession stand when we are working.
Jupiter Jubilee
4th Degree Report -
District Deputy Report .
Field Agent
Standing Committees
Funt Report-
New Business -
Jim Hildebrand