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Knight of the Month - Antonio Lippiello

We are recognizing Antonio Lippiello as Knight of the Month.

Antonio arrived with his parents from the Bronx in 1987 when St Peter was just being founded. His father, who came to the Bronx from Italy, had a medical issue that required to leave the north and head south. At the time Mass was being celebrated in what we now refer to as “the hall”. Dad was an usher and mom, a Eucharistic Minister. With 2 older brothers and one sister, they were very popular in the church.

In 2008, during the annual parish Ministry Fair, Antonio and his father joined the Knights and proceeded through to become a 4th Degree Knight. Since then, Antonio has been an active Knight assisting with annual Tootsie Roll collections, and helping wherever and whenever he can. Currently he is part of the Sunday morning rosary team and is there once a month at 7:30 leading the rosary before our 8AM Mass. He is also a valued member of the Officers Team and serves as our Warden. He is a consistent attendee of our monthly Knights business and officers’ meetings, assisting with setup and takedown, ensuring our meetings are ready to go on time, and leading the rosary before the meetings.

Antonio has been a Custodian for over 15 years with the Gulf Stream Good Will people. They manage collecting and distributing donations in a 5-county area.

We are blessed to have a gentleman like Antonio on our team. THANK YOU for your service, Brother Antonio.


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