Worthy Brothers,
We have been invited to participate in the Our Lady of Guadalupe procession on Saturday September 24 as part of the Hispanic Heritage Month festival. This is a great honor as our own Hispanic Ministry has invited us to lead the procession by carrying the OLG statue.
Our own Dan Perez will be organizing our effort and will have the honor of leading the procession. Paul Davisson will be organizing our Color Corp as well.
The procession will take place at 1:00 and we would like to ask for your participation in the procession to support the Hispanic ministry along with our own Hispanic Brothers.
Along with the procession, there will be music and food to enjoy.
Please reach out to Brother Dan Perez at (347) 234-3736 to join in the fun and celebration. This is such a great honor and opportunity to support one of St Peter's most thriving ministries.
God Bless,
Ken Kotansky, St Peter GK