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Jeff Grant - Knight of the Month

We are very pleased to recognize Jeff Grant as Knight of the Month. He only joined St Peter just a few months back. Jeff, a true New Yorker, with Long Island roots, was coached by his son, that it was his time in life to explore new beginnings. Because of a very close friend (retired military and Delta pilot), Jeff packed up what he hadn’t given away from his 30 year home in NY and drove to Jupiter without a place to live. We were fortunate that it was minutes from St Peter where the WOW effect grabbed him, particularly with the beauty of our church and our overhead screens.

Interestingly, Jeff was raised by a Jewish family, but he was always attracted to his friends who came from Irish Catholic families, especially how they enjoyed our Catholic holidays. Eventually, after marrying a Catholic woman, he converted. She was very successful in business, and Jeff thought it may be best for their son, if he became a stay at home dad. He retired from a successful career in product development for the garment industry. Working for companies like Macy’s and The Gap, Jeff saw a lot of the world selling garment private label contracts.

Jeff is proud of his 8 marathons medals, the first at age 42, a “crazy sense of humor” and continues to try to stay in good shape while enjoying the benefits of Florida. But he is more proud of his one son who graduated from Brandeis University and now works as an engineer in medical research.

Since Jeff joined the St Peter Knights, in only 30 days, he has been very active in our meetings, Roger Dean baseball fundraising and Special Olympics. We are very fortunate that Jeff Grant has found St Peter and its Knights of Columbus.


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