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German Mazariegos and Family are Family of the Month,

GK Ken Kotansky with the family

The Knights of St Peter are recognizing German Mazariegos and his family as Family of the Month. German arrived as an immigrant in 2003 and has been in Jupiter since. He is employed repairing boats in Jupiter and loves his trade. Friends and family invited him to St Peter and he would attend, but was not very active at Church. German met his wife Maria Lopez in Jupiter and 3 years ago in 2020 they were married. Maria works with a residential home cleaning service in Jupiter. Maria attended RCIA and converted to Catholicism. Maria’s religious background was Christian Evangelical. After her conversion to the Catholic church she was later invited to a retreat lead by the Juan XXIII movement and both attended the retreat. This was the catalyst to ignite a love and passion for the journey as a family of faith at St Peter. Now they are dedicated leaders to Juan XXlll movement. They have 4 children. Alejandro 12 and David 9 are active altar boys at St. Peter. What a great example by the family's actions to faith, family and community. Congratulation the Mazariegos family. We are motivated by your example as a faithful family.


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