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Business Meeting Minutes - Nov 2020


November 17, 2020

Note: Minutes of our Business Meetings are supplied to all members of the council for review and comment. The minutes will not be read at the next regular meeting unless requested by a member. Please direct all corrections and additions to Bill Sodan

NOTE - This was a “stay at home” meeting conducted over ZOOM.

Officers Roll Call

Officers present.

Grand Knight- Mark Mikosz

Chancellor- Kael Sodan- Excused

Financial Secretary- Paul Davisson

Treasurer- Michael McReynolds

Recorder- Bill Sodan

Warden- Antonio Lipiello

Guards- Philip Colon

Michael Cesareno

Trustees- Trevor McDonald

Positions of Deputy Grand Knight and Lecturer are open.

Chaplain Report -

Guests and Dignitaries:

Field Agent- Jonathan Knaus

Regional Administrator- Bill Sodan

Grand Knight Report:

The GK updated the council on the Flag Planting at Riverside Memorial Park. There was a very good turnout of about 200 people. A good turn out from the council, assembly, council 6569 and local community. Thanks also to the cemetery for their assistance and support.


Giving tree was canceled. The parish is asking for donations for $25 gift cards.

Singing Christmas tree, 12/17 will be an open air event. Unsure if we are serving as was originally propose.

OLG celebration- unknown what will be taking place.

Interfaith service on 11/26. It will be a Virtual service.

The Passing of George Wartzok: Wake will be held on Thursday 11/19, 4-7 PM; funeral on Friday, 11/20 10 AM.

12/6, 9:30 AM: Presentation of award to Stephen England for Altar Server of the Year for Diocese of Palm Beach.


JTAA parade has been canceled

Father McGivney beatification took place on 10/31

Trunk or Treat was not approved

On 10/24 State Respect life conference held, hosted by the Diocese of Palm Beach

Upcoming Calendar:

12/8: Officer’s meeting

12/12: Our Lady of Guadalupe

12/15: Business Meeting

12/17: Singing Christmas Tree

12/22: Assembly meeting


Nothing to Report

Financial Secretary/Treasurer Report:

Receipts: $175; $105 dues; $70- Raffle tickets

Expenses: Zoom; $47.88;On line Event calendar; $150- Memorial Brick for George Wartzok

Current Balance: $14,655.42


Flag Planting event was discussed. Cemetery is very happy. Florida Catholic will post the article.

The St. Patrick Day event has bee3n approved by Father Chuck.

Old Business -

The GK proposed expenditures be made at this time for budgeted contributions:

Els $750

ARC- $750

SVDP- $500

Hannah’s Home $200 gift cards

Council needs to sell raffle tickets. 17 have been sold so far. $5 for each book is revenue for the council.

New Business -

Jim Hildebrand is willing to maintain website. Ken Katansky will assist with technical parts.

Ryan Bielski advised Robert Hall needed assistance. Council approved $50 Publix gift card.


Jonathan Knaus discussed the Beatification of Father McGivney. This included a discussion of the purpose of the fraternal benefits program; a little about Father McGivney’s goals and life and discussion of the miracle which led to his Beatification.



The Flag Planting was briefly reviewed. It was a success in terms of the numbers who came out from various Knights and civic groups. Riverside Memorial Park was very happy with the results, as well.

The council was advised that the Quilt Drive is starting. Proceeds will go to the American Wheelchair Mission.

GOOD OF THE ORDER: An updated list will be published to the council website. Please pray for those identified.


Bill Sodan


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