March 16, 2021
Note: Minutes of our Business Meetings are supplied to all members of the council for review and comment. The minutes will not be read at the next regular meeting unless requested by a member. Please direct all corrections and additions to Jim Hildebrand
Recorders Note: This was a “stay at home’ meeting conducted over ZOOM. The meeting minutes were taken by Brother Hildebrand. Those in attendance were Brothers: Rev. Wesler, Michael McReynolds, Paul Davisson, Terry Hood, Antonio Lippiello, Patrick Mcelhaney, Mike Cesarano, Ken Kotansky, Jim Hildebrand, District Deputy Billy VanKuren and Field Agent Jonathan Knaus
Pre - Meeting.
Father Wesler mentioned that there are currently no plans to open the Hall to social activities, so we don’t know when we might be able to restart our Fellowship Breakfasts.
Officers Roll Call
All Officers were present except for the Chancellor, Recorder, Outside Guard, and 3rd Year Trustee. The Grand Knight, Deputy Grand Knight and 1st Year Trustee positions are open.
Minutes -
Minutes form the February Business Meeting were approved.
Chaplain Report -
Fr Wesler has recommended a candidate member. The candidate was previously in the KofC Squires program.
Guests and Dignitaries
The District Deputy, and Field Agent were present.
Grand Knight Report:
No significant Correspondence
The GK plans to attend a Supreme Webinar on changes to the qualification requirements for this years council awards.
The GK is working to organize a Council Coffee Social for the morning of Friday, April 9th. Several locations were discussed. Ken will check into possible venues.
The GK would like to attend this years State Convention (see motions)
Upcoming events
Officers Meeting Report
No motions were passed at the Officers Meeting
Financial Secretary Report:
revenues ~ $80
expenses ~ 4365
In Treasury ~$12,140.00
Trustees -
Deputy Grand Knight and Director Reports:
(* committees are “Faith in Action” activities) .
There’ will be a “Prayer for Life” prayer Vigil at the WPB Abortion Clinic this Saturday March 20th. Members interested in carpooling to the event should meet in the Church East parking lot at 9:30. The vigil will last approximately 1.5 hours. The group will stop for lunch on the way home. Those that drive down alone should park in the Miracle House parking lot.
We have “Encouragement Cards” for RCIA candidates. We will work with the Parish office to get the addresses of candidates.
“Family of the Month” -
“Knight of the Month” -
Council Picnic
Food for Families-
Tootsie Roll Drive -
The GK will make an appointment with Father Don to discuss having a Tootsie Roll drive at the church. This will also give the GK a chance to introduced himself to Father Don.
JTAA Christmas Parade -
Free Throw Competition-
Good of the Order:
We have 4 prospects for new membership. Three are currently e-members. The GK plans to call the prospects to help answer any of their questions.
Standing Committees
Fund Raising -
Roger Dean Stadium -.
4th Degree Report -
A 4th Degree Exemplification is planned for April 24th at Holy Name Parish.
District Deputy Report/ Regional Rep - .
There is a food packing project this Saturday at St Vincent Ferrer church in Delray. The goal is to pack 40,000 meals. The project is currently hoping for more volunteers.
Field Agent Report -
An Insurance information night is planned for April 21st or 28th.
The KofC will soon be offering Mutual Funds.
Old Business-
New Business -
Motion - Brother Davisson moved and Brother Mcelhaney seconded a motion to elect Brothers Kotansky and Davisson as Representatives, and Brothers McReynolds and Mcelhaney as alternates to the State Convention. Passed.
Motion - Brother Davisson moved and Brother Cesarano seconded a motion to donate $500 two help pay for a roof at Father Jean’s school in Leogane Haiti. Passed