Knights of Columbus Council 13139
Business (General) Meeting
July 20, 2021
Note: Minutes of our Business Meetings are supplied to all members of the council for review and comment. The minutes will not be read at the next regular meeting unless requested by a member. Please direct all corrections and additions to Jim Hildebrand
Recorders Note: This was a “stay at home’ meeting conducted over ZOOM.
Pre - Meeting.
Officers Roll Call
All Officers were present. The Deputy Grand Knight, and Chancellor positions are open.
Minutes -
Minutes from the May Business Meeting were approved.
Chaplain Report -
The meeting was opened and closed with a prayer
Guests and Dignitaries
The Field Agent was present
Our new District Deputy, Richard Gallant, was present.
Grand Knight Report:
No significant correspondence
The GK thanked Brother Cesarano for the great job he did in presenting Brother Busa with the Knight of the Month award at the end of Mass.
The GK thanked Brothers Salichs and Bielski for work they performed at Hannah’s House.
Brother McReynolds reported that the Council now has some limited liability insurance for our liquor sales. It would cover liquor sales at church events, but not something like the Jupiter Jubilee.
The GK reported on his discussions with Father Don:
Father Don is showing interest in our 500 Miles for Wheelchairs effort. He has asked to see anything we plan to put in the Parish Magazine, and seems interested in allowing something like a “Wheelchair Sunday”. The last Sunday in Sept is the target date.
Father Don mention “Gleaning” (the combing of cultivated agricultural fields for eatable but unsalable food), as a good youth project that we could undertake.
Father Don thinks we can start up our Fellowship breakfast in October or November.
The GK would like to have an Officer take the lead on each of KofC Pillars of Fath, Family, Life, and Community, Ken Kotansky is taking Community, Brother Colon is heading up Faith, Brother Lippiello is chairing Life, and Family is open. Brother Colon will check with Brother Ehmer to see if he is interested in heading Family.
Upgrading the Council website was discussed. It was suggested that we check with the parish staff to see who designed their site (it also uses WIX).
Officers Meeting Report
We donated $200 help the Parents of Andy Alvarez stay in Miami while their son Andy is undergoing an extended medical procedure.
Financial Secretary Report:
revenues - did not catch
expenses - $640
In Treasury -$12,701.00
KofC Pillars
Faith (Phillip Colon);
“Knight of the Month” -
August -. Larry McKay
Life (Antonio Lippiello):
Family (open):
“Family of the Month” -
The GK will reach out to Deacon Scienzo, editor the the Parish Magazine, to see if we can get something in the magazine concerning our recognition of the Deacons as ‘Family of the Month”
Community (Ken Kotansky):
Good of the Order:
We have a couple of e-members that might be interested in participating in an exemplification to become a full member.
Standing Committees
Fund Raising -
4th Degree Report -.
District Deputy Report .
Field Agent Report -
The KofC has launched donor advised funds that will help Knights manage their charitable contributions.
Old Business-
New Business -
Motions -
Jim Hildebrand