Knights of Columbus Council 13139
Business (General) Meeting
April 20, 2021
Note: Minutes of our Business Meetings are supplied to all members of the council for review and comment. The minutes will not be read at the next regular meeting unless requested by a member. Please direct all corrections and additions to Jim Hildebrand
Recorders Note: This was a “stay at home’ meeting conducted over ZOOM. The meeting minutes were taken by Brother Hildebrand.
Pre - Meeting.
Officers Roll Call
All Officers were present except for the Chaplin, Advocate, Financial Secretary, Warden, and Inside Guard. The Deputy Grand Knight, Chancellor, 1st year Trustee and Recorder positions are open.
Minutes -
Minutes form the March Business Meeting were approved.
Chaplain Report -
Guests and Dignitaries
The Field Agent was present.
Grand Knight Report:
No significant Correspondence
The GK recognized Brothers Gassman, Scalzo, Bielski, Davisson, and Sterling for their ongoing work with Food for Families.
The GK thanked Brother Hildebrand for work done on the Council Website, and Brother McReynolds for hosting Friday night Happy Hours at his residence to help sell Florida Charity Raffle Tickets.
The GK would like to start organizing the council around the Columbian Award pillars of Faith, Family Community and Life.
The GK asked for a motion to support efforts to find a venue for a yearend gathering. One issue is how far we should go with the Covid Pandemic still a concern. (see motions).
We discussed possibly holding another Friday Morning Coffee social before summer.
Upcoming events
Officers Meeting Report
No motions were passed at the Officers Meeting
Financial Secretary Report:
revenues ~ $240
expenses ~ $639
In Treasury ~$11,680.00
Trustees -
Deputy Grand Knight and Director Reports:
(* committees are “Faith in Action” activities) .
“Family of the Month” -
“Knight of the Month” -
Council Picnic
Food for Families-
Tootsie Roll Drive -
JTAA Christmas Parade -
Free Throw Competition-
Good of the Order:
We have a couple of new “on line” members. The GK has not been able to reach them. Brother Trevor knows one of the candidates at will see if he can get him to the exemplification this Thursday night.
Standing Committees
Fund Raising -
Roger Dean Stadium -.
4th Degree Report -.
District Deputy Report .
Field Agent Report -
The Field Agent reminded us of the Financial Planning webinar on 4/28. Brother Hildebrand agreed to add it to the Council Website.
Old Business-
New Business -
Motion - Brother Hildebrand moved, and Brother Colon seconded a motion that we continue to look for an appropriate venue for an end of year gathering. Passed.
Jim Hildebrand