Father Don recently recognized Brother Ryan Bielski for his tireless service to his church, neighbors and community. Brother Bielski truly lives the Knight's Founding Pillars of Faith, Family, Community and Life. Congratulations Ryan, your recognition is truly deserved!
Father Don's recognition appeared in the 10/21 St. Peter Parish Magazine, and is included below.
A word of Heartfelt Gratitude to Ryan Bielski
by Father Don Finney
I am constantly amazed at the dedication and ministry of Ryan Bielski. For those who are involved in the Knights of Columbus, our Food For Families Ministry or attend the 11AM Sunday Mass, I am sure you have seen Ryan around the campus. Before Covid, he also assisted at the refreshments after Mass on Sunday and at the Knight's Family Fellowship Breakfast in the Parish Hall.
Ryan is always present and active doing something. He often can be seen planting flowers around the campus, watering the plants, being a handyman fixing items, picking up food for the food pantry, assisting at Mass, basically doing everything. Very often, he does this without even the slightest bit of attention or acknowledgment. He can be seen early in the morning or even late when everyone is gone.
No matter how busy he gets, he is always ready to stop and have a conversation. Never rushed or upset, he truly personifies the life of the good steward.
During our church renovation project, Ryan was truly invaluable. He came and bolted pews to the floor, fixed kneelers that needed replacement parts, lifted boxes and equipment and was always ready to serve. He can see what needs to be done, and then do it...all with a smile on his face.
In his "free" time, he often picks up food for the pantry, drives people to doctor's appointments and even assists with washing the police vehicles for the Jupiter Police Department. During the lockdown last year, he even went shopping every day for those who were most vulnerable and could not leave their homes to shop on their own. Ryan could get toilet paper, hand sanitizer and Clorox wipes when no one else could!
He has the energy and enthusiasm of several people in one. As a man of strong faith, it is that faith that inspires him to serve.
I would encourage you the next time you see Ryan, to thank him on behalf of us all for the many wonderful things this man of strong heart and faith does to serve and minister to us all! Thank you, Ryan! We love you!