Knights of Columbus Council 13139
Business (General) Meeting
May 19, 2020
Note: Minutes of our Business Meetings are supplied to all members of the council for review and comment. The minutes will not be read at the next regular meeting unless requested by a member. Please direct all corrections and additions to Jim Hildebrand
NOTE - This was a “stay at home” meeting conducted over ZOOM.
Pre - Meeting.
Officers Roll Call
All Officers were present except for the Chaplain who was excused, and the Inside Guard, Outside Guard, and 1st and 2nd Year Trustees who were absent.
Chaplain Report -
The meeting was opened and closed with a prayer
Guests and Dignitaries
The Field Agent, District Deputy, and Regional Deputy were present.
Grand Knight Report:
Billy Farrell, a member of the Council has passed away. There is no local viewing.
We presented $1200 in gift cards to the Food for Families Ministry, and $1500 to the Parish St Vincent dePaul society.
The SilverRose Icon will arrive at the Parish at 6:30 PM June @4th. We will have a 7 PM service consisting of the Rosary and a Homily by Father Wesler. Knights are needed to lead prayers and sanitize the area.
The GK thanked those who have helped out at Hannah’s house over the last several weeks.
Officers Meeting Report
No motions were passed at the Officers Meeting.
Financial Secretary Report:
revenues ~ $2405 (we received $2300 in donations for FFF and St V dePaul)
expenses ~ $3993
In Treasury ~ $15,641
Trustees - no report
Deputy Grand Knight and Director Reports:
(* committees are “Faith in Action” activities) .
The pandemic has created financial hardships in our area. The Council is trying to help address these hardships by donating to the Food for Families and Saint Vincent dePaul ministries in the parish.
Buffet Breakfast -
Council Shirts - Brother Sodan is looking for two more shirt orders to place the next batch of shirts for Tina to embroidery with the council logo.
“Family of the Month” - March - Jo and Angel Munoz: April - The Sodan’s; May - Pat and Kathy from FFF
“Knight of the Month” - March - Frank Baldino; April - Michael McReynolds, May- Toni Vigilo, June Jonathan Knaus
Council Picnic
Food for Families-
Tootsie Roll Drive -
JTAA Christmas Parade -
Free Throw Competition-
Good of the Order:
Recruiting/Retention - Lou Manz
“Delta Drive” -
Standing Committees
Fund Raising -
Roger Dean Stadium -.
Jupiter Jubilee -
4th Degree Report -
The next 4th Degree meeting is Tuesday, 5/26.
District Deputy Report/ Regional Rep -
The Fraternal year has been very successful. We meet all requirements be a STAR council, and have have enough new membership to be a double STAR council.
The State Convention will be electronically available for all to view.
A new program, “Food for the Poor” plans to deliver $1.2 million in food to each diocese in South Florida. Targeted for June. The Knights will supply transportation.
A group working to register Catholics to vote will be looking for volunteers.
Field Agent Report -
KofC Insurance is ranked among the top 6 in the nation.
Old Business -
New Business -
Motion - Brother Manz moved and Brother Bielski seconded a motion to donate $2000 to the Parish Food For Families ministry, and that the ministry chair be contacted to determine the best way to distribute the funds. Passed. This motion is for more that $500, and was moved and seconded at the April Meeting
Jim Hildebrand