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Larry McKay Named Knight of the Month for December

This Brother first joined the Knights of Columbus in 1970. He reentered the order in 2008 and has been a faithful member of our Council since then. He is also a member of the John Paul II Assembly 3299, where he has been a Sir Knight since 2011.

He faithfully serves as an usher and never misses the opportunity to cook in the kitchen during our monthly Family Fellowship Breakfasts. He has helped the Council make repairs to the driveway at Hannah’s Home in Tequesta and generously donated additional bags of asphalt patch when the home’s supply ran short. He was on hand to assist his brother Knights with the assembly and disassembly of the parish’s Singing Christmas Tree this year.

For his contributions to the parish and the Knights of Columbus, the Council recognizes Larry McKay as it Knight of the Month for December.

Congratulations, Larry!

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