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Officers Meeting Minutes - September 2019

Knight of Columbus Council 13139

Officers Meeting

Sept 10, 2019

Note: Minutes of our meetings are supplied to all members of the council for review and comment. The minutes will not be read at the next meeting unless requested by a member. Pls direct all corrections and additions to Jim Hildebrand

  • Roll Call - All Officers were present except for the 1st Year Trustee who was absent, and the Treasurer, Inside Guard and 2nd Year Trustee who were excused.

  • Chaplain Report: The meeting was opened and closed with a prayer.

  • Grand Knight Report:

  • Correspondance

  • Council Business

  • The GK contacted Christine McDonald, the acting Youth Minister about ways we could support the Youth Group in response to her earlier suggestion that we ‘share” a Fellowship Breakfast with the group. Christine asked that we put the activity on “hold ” for the time being.

  • The St. Vincent dePaul ministry meeting scheduled for 9/3 was cancelled due to the storm. The GK and DGK plan to attend a meeting in the future to see if there are opportunities for the council to support the society.

  • We are continuing to work the Insurance issue for events in which we sell beer and wine. The insurance costs $1500 for three events. We would expect to net ~$2500 total from the events after fees, licenses, and product expenses. If we are rained out or mis an event, there is no refund on the insurance. Friday Night Dances would not be covered and we would ask the city to cover. A letter has been sent to the city requesting we be approved for all three upcoming Rec Department events prior to committing to the Insurance. Officers agreed that we should proceed if we get approval for the 3 events.

  • The Budget will be sent out to the Officers for review.

  • Treasurers Report:

  • $ 15,479

  • Financial Secretary Report:

  • Financials

  • revenues - $678

  • expenses - $1190

  • Trustees -

  • Director Reports:

  • The GK and DGK met with Father D to discuss Council initiatives. Fr. Don agreed to hold meeting monthly. A few highlights from the meeting are:

  • The council will attend JoAnn Dube’s funeral (Officers agreed not to wear any ceremonial attire)

  • We can put our “Domestic Church” Kiosk out on special occasions, but not leave it out permanently

  • Father D:

  • agreed to us conducting a Delta Membership drive, but did not fully commit to a “message from the pulpit”

  • agreed to us possibly conducting a “Fund Raiser” dance.

  • would like to see us coordinate our Habitat for Humanity efforts with the parish.

  • is on board with was conducting a FFF drive.

  • agreed we can put 40 Days for Life announcements in the bulletin.

  • T (* committees are “Faith in Action” activities)

  • Community*-

  • Tootsie Roll Drive - We were not able to present checks to ELS and ARC at the last Breakfast since the Breakfast was cancelled due to the storm. Brother Davisson will mail the checks and invite the recipients to the Sept Breakfast.

  • JTAA Christmas Parade - We received a “save the date” notice of Dec 8th for the parade. Last year’s Chair Brother Hildebrand reminded the Officers that he will not be available to Chair the event this year.

  • Faith*:

  • Altar Server Scholarship Program - The Officers agreed that the Council should be asked to make and pass a motion to fund an additional $500 scholarship (in addition to the scholarship funded at the August Business Meeting) for a exceptional entry that was inadvertently missed during our last competition

  • Sacramental Gifts Program - We are looking into a program in which we would try to encourage and connect with Catholics in the RICA, 1st Communion and Confirmation programs.

  • Parish Picnic - Oct 26th. We will help as usual

  • Virgin of Guadeloupe funds raiser - We have donated and will cook 200 Hamburgers for this funds raiser by the hispanic community. We will start our efforts at noon on 9/28

  • Council

  • Buffet Breakfast - The next Breakfast will be 10/7.

  • “Knight of the Month” - August - Chaplin Wesler: September - Paul Gurdak

  • “Family of the Month” -August - The Sheldons: September - (did not catch the name)

  • Life*:

  • Family*

  • Youth:

  • Free Throw competition - Chair Davisson reported that the completion will be on 1/16 at All Saint school

  • Good of the Order-

  • The Lecturer is working to get info on the Miracle House for presentation at the next meeting. Susan ? from Miracle House doesn’t drive at night, but we may have her on the phone to answer questions.

  • Membership/Retention -

  • We have the info packages for a Parish “Delta” membership drive.

  • Exemplifications.

  • Standing Committees

  • Fund Raising -

  • 4th Degree Report -

  • District Deputy Report -

  • Old Business -

  • New Business -


Jim Hildebrand


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