Knight of Columbus Council 13139
Officers Meeting
August 13, 2019
Note: Minutes of our meetings are supplied to all members of the council for review and comment. The minutes will not be read at the next meeting unless requested by a member. Pls direct all corrections and additions to Jim Hildebrand jrpah@comcast.net
Roll Call - All Officers were present except for the 2nd Year Trustee who was absent, and the Deputy Grand Knight, Treasurer, and Chancellor who were excused.
Chaplain Report: The meeting was opened and closed with a prayer. Supreme has asked that we prayer for Vocations and the Unborn during this fraternal year. Recommended prayers have been supplied to the councils.
Grand Knight Report:
We received “Thank You” notes from Layne, the Parish Youth Minister, the parish St. Vincent dePaul Society, and Hope for Leogane for our support.
Council Business
Christine McDonald, the temporary Youth Ministry head has asked if we could “share” our Fellowship Breakfast with the Youth Group for a month. the GK will talk with Christine to better understand how we might be able to help the Youth Group.
The St. Vincent dePaul ministry is having a meeting on 9/3. The GK and DGK plan to attend to see if there are opportunities for the council to support the society.
We received a “sticker” and a $200 rebate from Supreme in recognition of our contributions to Food for Families. Brother Davisson will check with the FFF minister to see if there is anything we can purchase for the ministry with the rebate money.
And insurance policy to cover our events that involve alcohol sales is bing pursued. It would be limited to specific identified events during the year, and would cost $1000 to $1500.
The GK and DGK had a good meeting with Fr D to discuss our upcoming initiatives. Fr Don indicated that he would like to see us get more involved with the hispanic community.
The GK reported that the recent Regional Meeting emphasized the importance of vocations and membership recruitment.
Treasurers Report:
$ 15,594
Financial Secretary Report:
revenues - $1407
expenses - $2395
Trustees -
Good of the Order-
Katherine Bowers from “Birthline Lifeline”, a Pregnancy Care Program, will be our special speaker at the August Business Meeting. The Lecturer plans to have “Hannah’s House” present in September. Miracle House may also be invited in the future to discuss their “Baby Bottle” program. Miracle House has asked for our support in conducting a Baby Bottle collection at St. Peter.
Director Reports:
The Programs Director has developed a form to critique council events in order to improve upon the events in the future. A form for the Installation of Officers event was distributed.
(* committees are “Faith in Action” activities)
Friday Night Dance Party -
Alter Server Scholarship Program - Two alter server essays for the last completion were inadvertently not delivered to the council for review. Both were good, one was exceptional. It was submitted by a server who is going to college and will not get a change to reapply. The program chairman would like the council to consider some sort of recognition for one or both of the submittals.
Seminarian Support -
Buffet Breakfast - We will take a summer break and not have a Breakfast in July or August.
“Family of the Month” - The GK is asking for suggestions
“Knight of the Month” -The GK is asking for suggestions
Good of the Order-
Membership/Retention -
41 Knights have not paid their dues for the fraternal year. 6 Knights are 3 years delinquent and are in danger of termination. The 1st Year Trustee has volunteered to personally contact these 6 Knights with the hope of encouraging them to become current.
The 1st Year Trustee clarified Father Don’s inquiry into the “parish affiliation” of our members. Father Don does not want to “drive away” any members because they aren’t registered at St Peter, but only know that they are a member of a parish. Even if the member isn’t registered with a Parish, the 1st Year Trustee believes the intent is to understand why.
There is a 4th (Patriotic) degree on August 24h at St Augustine.
Standing Committees
Fund Raising -
4th Degree Report -
District Deputy Report -
Old Business -
New Business -
Brother Hildebrand moved, and Brother Placko seconded a motion to reimburse the GK for the cost of the insurance policy and shipping for the July “Friday Night Dance Party”. Passed.
Jim Hildebrand