This family is heavily involved in their parish, St. Jude in Tequesta, and the Assembly that Fourth Degree members of our Council participate. Because of their significant contributions to the church, our community, and the Knights of Columbus, we have chosen to honor this family from a parish other than our own.
Art is a faithful member of the Knights of Columbus Color Corps. He is the head usher at St. Jude. He is a member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society and supports the ARC of Palm Beach. Cindy is a member of the Council of Catholic Women, which supports their parish and their community.
Art and Cindy were instrumental in creating a Sunday Coffee Club which meets after Sunday Masses. They prepare sandwiches for the homeless and travel around town distributing them.
This family’s contributions did not begin in Jupiter. It began when they owned and operated a delicatessen in New York City, always helping the less fortunate.
Art and Cindy were instrumental in pulling off this month’s successful St. Patrick’s Dinner & Dance held by the John Paul II Assembly 3299. They helped with the solicitation of auction gifts, food preparation, table decorations, gift baskets, and raffles. It is clear that their knowledge of these kinds of events and their attention to detail played a critical role in the success of this event. This is not the first dinner/dance fundraiser that this couple has been involved. Over the past four years, their events have raised more than $60,000 in charitable donations.
For their significant contributions to the church, the community, and the Knights of Columbus, the Council recognizes the Art and Cindy Palmieri family.