Knight of Columbus Council 13139
Officers Meeting
Special Notice: The Officers meeting now convenes at 6:30.
Jan 8, 2019
Note: Minutes of our meetings are supplied to all members of the council for review and comment. The minutes will not be read at the next meeting unless requested by a member. Pls direct all corrections and additions to Jim Hildebrand
Roll Call -All Officers were present except for the Chaplain, Financial Secretary, Warden, and 3rd Year Trustee who were excused, and the Deputy Grand Knight, Outside Guard, Inside Guard and 2nd Year Trustee who were absent.
Chaplain Report -
Grand Knight Report:
Council 6569 is having “Italian Night” on 1/26. The council will purchase 4 tickets for the event.
We are continuing to search for GK candidates for the next fraternal year.
We have Beer, Wine, Champagne, and some liquor for the Ministry Appreciation Party. Knights at the party are asked to tend bar for 30 minutes.
The State Convention is in May. Brother Karl Sodan has expressed interest in attending.
Our 6 month audit has been completed and approved.
Treasurers Report:
~$ 12,367 in Treasury
Financial Secretary Report:
revenues - $1910
expenses - $3834
Trustees - no report
Director Reports:
(* committees are “Faith in Action” activities)
Friday Night Dance Party - We will tend bar at the Friday Night Dance Party on 1/18. Money raised is donated to ELS for Autism.
Digital Novena - Knight are asked to participate in the Nation Catholic Bishops “Digital Novena” 1/14 thru 1/22. There will be daily prayers and reflections that Brother Manz will download to the Council Web page. The program will be announced form the pulpit this Sunday so it is available to all. Knights will hand out an instruction card at the main interest of the church after masses.
Altar Server Recognition -
Before Mass Rosary -
RSVP Vocation Program - We will donate $500 to Seminarian Mario Burton through the RSVP program. The money is allocated in the budget. We will also donate $500 to Edwin (not in the RSVP program), the seminarian we have supported in the past. Again, the donation is covered in the budget.
3rd Degree - Our council will host a 3rd Degree on 1/19. Brothers Davisson and McReynolds will arrange for food from C.R. Chicks. We will have beer available.
Buffet Breakfast -
“Family of the Month” - The Matarese Family
“Knight of the Month” - Jerry Gumbus
Council Picnic -
Website -
Family Week -
Free Through Competition - Competition this year is 1/24 at noon at All Saints School. Volunteers are asked to be there by 11:45.
Good of the Order:
Membership/Retention - Lou Manz
7 delinquent members have been suspended
We currently have 138 members
Brother Manz has three candidates for admission.
2nd degree at 4999 1/10
3rd degree at 13139 1/19
Standing Committees
Fund Raising -
Family BBQ - We have permission to sell tickets after masses on the two weekends before the event. Brother Hildebrand will submit an ad for the parish bulletin by this Friday with the request that it be placed in the bulletin for the two weekends prior.
Jupiter Jubilee - We have been asked to run the beer and wine concession. The Jubilee is Feb 2nd at the Abacoa Community Park (a change from past years due to construction activity at the old site).
4th Degree Report -
District Deputy Report -
Old Business -
New Business -
A Maronite Cardinal will say mass at the Tequesta Maronite church on 1/31. The 4th Degree color guard will participate. Anyone interested is invited to attend.
Business -