Note: Minutes of our meetings are supplied to all members of the council for review and comment. The minutes will not be read at the next meeting unless requested by a member. Pls direct all corrections and additions to Jim Hildebrand
Roll Call -All Officers were present except for the Advocate and 3rd Year Trustee who were excused, and the Deputy Grand Knight, Outside Guard and 2nd Year Trustee who were absent.
Chaplain Report - The chaplain closed the meeting with a prayer.
Grand Knight Report:
The “Our Lady of Guadalupe” festival is tomorrow night (12/12). The Mass is at 7 PM. Those that plan to help serve food after the Mss should be at the Parish Hall around 8 PM.
No one has “Signed Up” on the Council website spreadsheet to be an Outside Greeter before Christmas Masses. The GK encourages Knights to “Greet” before the Mass they attend.
The Parish Facilities Manger has questioned the safety of the parish BBQ grill. We have cleaned the grill (thanks to Brothers Ryan and Walter) and the grill appears to be serviceable. Brother Puglese, who has experience with a similar grill, will be asked to also render an opinion. Brother Davisson is considering some strengthening brackets to address some potentially weak areas.
Council/Assembly joint Christmas Party is 12/18. We have 28 to 30 who plan to attend.
We are continuing our search for someone to fill the Deputy Grand Knight position. The Current DGK is moving out of the area.
Treasurers Report:
~$ 12360 in Treasury
Financial Secretary Report:
revenues - $1065
expenses -$2586
Trustees - no report
Directors Report(* committees are “Faith in Action” activities)
JTAA Christmas Parade - Chairman Hildebrand indicated that our dual desire of marching near the front of the parade where the pace is faster, and trying to pass out candy (which is a slower activity) are in conflict. This year the conflict was amplified by a particularly fast parade, and an excess of candy. This resulted in the council being spread out over the parade route. The conflict needs to be resolved for next year. The Chairman indicated is will not be available for next years parade.
Habitat for Humanity-
Altar Server Recognition -
Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration - We have been asked to help serve food at the event. The Color Guard will participate in the Celebration. We plan to participate with the 4th Degree in handing out lapel pins.
Before Mass Rosary -
RSVP Vocation Program - The Chaplain has submitted the name of a seminarian that might be eligible for our support through this program.
Buffet Breakfast -.
“Family of the Month” - The Sodan Family
“Knight of the Month” - Mark Mikosz
Council Picnic -
Website -
Family Week -
Free Through Competition - Competition this year is 1/24 at noon at All Saints School.
Good of the Order:
Membership/Retention - Lou Manz
8 delinquent members are in the process of being suspended
24 additional members are delinquent in their dues and are still being pursued.
1st degree at 4999 12/13
2nd degree at 4999 1/10
3rd degree at 13139 1/19
Standing Committees
Fund Raising -
Family BBQ - Brother Hildebrand will work with the Parish Secretary to get an add in the 12/30 bulletin indicating tickets are available.
4th Degree Report -
District Deputy Report -
The DD secured a “Lady of Guadalupe” Icon for use at the “Our Lady of Guadalupe” festival tomorrow night.
The Council of Catholic Bishops Supreme has a webinar “Faith in Action” that we all should take a look at.
Old Business -
New Business -