Officers Roll Call
All Officers were present except for the Warden, and the 2nd & 3rd Year Trustees who was absent, and the Deputy Grand Knight, and Chaplain who were excused.
Chaplain Report -
Guests and Dignitaries
The District Deputy and Field Agent were present.
Grand Knight Report:
We received a “Thank You” from Fr. Jean for our contribution to his charity “Hope for Leogane”.
Sold Raffle Ticket books that have been returned to the GK have been turned in for the upcoming early sellers drawing. Booklets are still available form the Grand Knight.
The Council website is now active. Brother Manz demonstrated some its features to the council.
The council has been asked to help serve food at the “Our Lady of Guadalupe” festival. The 4th Degree Color Guard will also participate in the festival.
Date for the Council Christmas Party has not been determined. Date should be resolved at the 4th Degree meeting next Tuesday.
The Deputy Grand Knight will be moving out of the area. Anyone interested in the position should notify the GK.
Treasurers Report:
~$12,980 in the Treasury
Financial Secretary Report:
revenues - $1249
expenses - $2247
Trustees - no report
Deputy Grand Knight and Director Reports:
(* committees are “Faith in Action” activities)
The “Young at Hearts” ministry is looking for some volunteers to cook breakfast for their Christmas Party. Dec 5 at 8 AM if you are available to help. Breakfast will be served at 10:30.
Altar Server Recognition - Brother Manz has received quotes for 30 pizzas from two sources. Angelo’s has offered the Council a nice discount. Knights are asked to attend to help out and show their appreciation for the Altar Servers.
Before Mass Rosary -
Buffet Breakfast - We are trying to have Santa available for the December Fellowship Breakfast. Brother Drake has been asked to help make it possible.
Christmas Greeters -.
“Family of the Month” -
Trevor and Patricia McDonald
“Knight of the Month” -
Paul Hebert
Council Picnic - Date is 3/30/2019. Brother Manz will reserve the site as soon s possible (can not be reserved more than 90 days prior to the event).
Third Degree - We will host a 3rd Degree on 1/19/2019. We need 12-15 Knights to work the event.
Family Week - Family Week will kick off with the February Buffet Breakfast and conclude with the Family BBQ. A prayer service will be on 2/7. The DD is working to obtain the available Icon.
Good of the Order:
Membership/Retention Report - Lou Manz
New member (reinstated) Tom Nester signed up during the last Fellowship Breakfast.
A 1st at 4999 on 12/13
A 2nd at 4999 on 12/27
A 3rd at our parish on 1/19
Standing Committees
Fund Raising -
Pig Roast -
Roger Dean Stadium - We will be working the Stadium again this year. Brother McReynolds has put in for seven dates (one would be a night game).
4th Degree Report -
Members participated in the culmination of the “40 Days for Life” event.
Next meeting is next Tuesday at 7PM. Rosary at 6:30.
District Deputy Report -
Florida will host the KofC special Olympics in Orlando 2022.
Field Agent Report -
November is “Long Term Care” month.
Old Business -
New Business -
The GK reported the the Officers approved a $100 donation to the “Youth Retreat” at the Seminary.
It was reported that $328.20 was expended on “Keep Christ in Christmas” t-shirts for the JTAA Christmas Parade.
Motion - Brother Mike Cesarano moved and Brother Manz seconded a motion to donate $300 (Silver Level) to the Florida Knights of Columbus Special Olympics. Passed
Note: The Minutes of our last meeting Business Meeting are supplied to all members of the council for review and comment. The minutes will not be read at the next regular meeting unless requested by a member. Pls direct all corrections and additions to Jim Hildebrand
Jim Hildebrand