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Meeting Minutes - October 16, 2018

Note: The Minutes of our last meeting Business Meeting are supplied to all members of the council for review and comment. The minutes will not be read at the next regular meeting unless requested by a member. Please direct all corrections and additions to Jim Hildebrand


• The pre-meeting rosary (7-7:30 PM) has been replaced with a Lectio Divina” (Divine Reading). Our chaplain lead those attending through a process of Reading, Reflecting, Meditating and Contemplating on this Sundays gospel (Mark 10: 35-45).

Officers Roll Call

• All Officers were present except for the 2nd Year Trustee who was absent, and the Deputy Grand Knight, Warden, and Outside Guard who were excused.

Chaplain Report - Fr. Wesler opened and closed the meeting with a prayer.

Guests and Dignitaries

• The District Deputy and Field Agent were present. New member Mark Mikosz was introduced.

Grand Knight Report:

• Fr Don has indicated that two Scouts working towards their Eagle Scout status by raising funds to build an access ramp plan to set up a small display explaining the project at the next Buffet Breakfast.

• Knights need to get their “sold” Raffle Ticket books to the Grand Knight. They will be turned in for a seller’s drawing in Nov.

• The Council is working to develop and activate its website. (A check of attending members did not indicate a concern with replacing the existing newsletter with the website as a source of council information).

Treasurers Report:

• ~$14,074 in the Treasury

Financial Secretary Report:

• Financials

• revenues - $1235

• expenses - $533

Trustees - no report

Deputy Grand Knight and Director Reports:(* committees are “Faith in Action” activities)

• Fireman’s Chili Cook-off is 11/10. Proceeds support Honor Flights.

• Knights can donate to Hurricane relieve on either the state of Supreme websites.

• Young at Hearts is looking for some volunteers to cook breakfast for their Christmas Party. Dec 5 at10:30.


• Funeral Seminar- The seminar will be after the Buffet Breakfast on 11/4 from 12:30 to 1:30. Father Don plans to attend to answer questions. In addition our Field Agent, and representatives from Queen of Peace Cemetery and two funeral homes will be there.

• Honor Flights -The last Honor Flight reception at the Airport went very well with approximately 2000people attending


• Altar Server Recognition - We will have a Pizza Party for the servers on 12/8 from 11:30 to 1PM. The Chaplain plans to attend if his schedule allows. Chair Brother Manz would like to see a good turn out of Knights to help support the Servers. Brother Manz is encountering headwinds in establishing ground rules for an Altar Server Scholarship. He is forming a committee of 3 or 4 to help determine a way forward.

• Before Mass Rosary - Brother Manz is looking for volunteers to cover the Saturday evening mass.

• Buffet Breakfast - Our September Breakfast was very well received with approximately 150 participants.

• Parish Picnic - The parish picnic is 10/27. We need Knights to start cooking and set-up at 10AM. The picnic ends at 3 PM this year, an hour earlier that previous years.

• Christmas Greeters -.


• “Family of the Month” -

• “Knight of the Month” - Jerry Feliciano

• Council Picnic - Sometime in March

• Third Degree - We will host a 3rd Degree on 1/19/2019. We need 12-15 Knights to work the event.

Life*: No report


• Family Week - Tentatively scheduled for the first week in February. The District Deputy is looking into the availability of a Marian Icon for a mass during that week.

Good of the Order:

• Membership/Retention Report - Lou Manz

• We are in the process of suspending 7 members for not paying dues.

• 24 members have not paid this years dues. Numerous efforts to contact them have been made.


• A 1st at St Jude (6569) on 11/12.

• A 3rd this Saturday in Hollywood

Standing Committees

Fund Raising -

• Pig Roast - Brother Manz reported that the Young at Hearts Group plans to “buy” a table.

4th Degree Report -

• St Patty’s Day Dinner Dance is schedules for March 9, 2019

District Deputy Report -

• Florida will host the KofC special Olympics in Orlando 2022. This weekend, St Paul of the Cross is hosting a luncheon to recognize people with disabilities.

• There will be special recognition for councils that contribute to Special Olympics. Special Olympics is a “Faith in Action” program.

Field Agent Report -

• October is recruitment month.

• There is a Knights of Columbus phone app available now. It contains easy to access member recruitment info.

Old Business - None

New Business -

• The council discussed our position on contributing to collections by individuals (often children or grandchildren of members). The consensus is that we do not want to set a precedent and contribute to such a cause because there are many such collections and we would not be able to support them all. Individual Knights should contribute as they see fit.

• Motion - Brother Davisson moved and Brother Karl Sodan seconded a motion to appropriate $100 to purchase candy for the JTAA Christmas Parade. Passed.

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