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We had it all at the 2021 JTAA Christmas Parade!

We had all we could ask for at this years Christmas Parade. We had beautiful sunny weather. We had a great turnout of Knights along with family members that included spouses, and several kids (including one in the oven).   We passed out candy.We proudly displayed our message to 'Keep Christ in Christmas".   And we we had two beautiful antique cars to help show us off. Brother John Hoffman brought his cherry red 2001 Chevrolet Silverado, and Brother Paul Davisson's son Paul Jr. brought his beautiful red 1972 Oldsmobile Cutlass convertible. Thanks to Brother Mike Cesarano, the Chairman for the parade, for the great job he does every year in organizing keeping this Jupiter tradition going.


Below are pictures and a video that Brother Trevor McDonald took during the parade. Thank you Trevor. 

Also, just for fun, there is an area below the pictures where you can comment on the parade.


Again -Thank You all for coming out to the parade.

Click on individual pictures to view cation

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